3 games available
WARNING: THIS GAME IS VERY COMPLICATE When starting the simulator, you will see a configuration screen. Set everything to desired values. Click [show] in the keybinds section to see all the controls which are similar to previous simulators. They can also be edited here with the edit button. [W], [S] - Increase/decrease thrust [←], [→] - Elevators [Q], [A] - Increase/decrease flaps by 1 notch [E], [D] - Increase/decrease spoilers (multiple modes) [G] - Toggle landing gear [B] - Increase wheel brakes Other useful keys: [P] - Pause ['] - Play one frame [-] - Zoom out [=] - Zoom in [/] - Toggle mouse controlled yoke (pitch) [[] - Set zoom to 10% []] - Set zoom to 60% [\] - Toggle audible alarms (e.g. GPWS) [.] - Toggle elevator automatic reset [R], [F] - Increase/decrease elevator trim [T] - Toggle TO/GA [M] - Toggle audio [I] - Toggle extra buttons panel [4]-[7] - Switch between FMC displays [Click and drag vertically on IAS dial] - Change A/T IAS target